
Makes Energy Devices Smart

Spark is an intelligent embedded software agent that can provide secure and advanced communication and control capabilities to a wide variety of energy devices. It can be embedded directly in smart end/edge devices. As a part of the Grid Action Platform, Spark integrates seamlessly with Citadel and Convoy or can be used with third party systems via IEEE 2030.5 or Kitu Systems’ API.stability.


Spark Features

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Broad Common DER Function Sets

Enable behind the meter DER assets to participate in grid programs.

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Designed to be CSIP and CSIP-AUS compliant.

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IEEE 1547

Designed to meet all of IEEE 1547 interconnection requirements. IEEE 1547 defines advanced inverter functions that make the grid more resilient.


Spark implements state-of-the-art security mechanisms, including TLS 1.2, digital certificates, encryption, and access control. Each connection is end-to-end to ensure maximum security. For example, when a vehicle interacts with a remote server, even though it is physically connected to a charging station, the latter acts as a bridge and packets are simply forwarded to their destination.



Kitu Systems provides services to simplify application development and integration. We can help you integrate Spark into your ecosystem and provide you with well documented Software Development Kits (SDKs), including API documentation, sample application or interface code and testing capabilities.


IEEE 2030.5 & CSIP

California Electric Rule 21 governs the interconnection requirements between generation facilities and utilities' distribution systems. Rule 21 mandates the use of IEEE 2030.5 as the default communication protocol for smart inverters. Effective June 2020, all smart inverters deployed in the three California IOU territories must be certified to be compliant with the Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP).

Kitu Systems was the first to achieve the SunSpec Alliance CSIP certification for each of the main components of the Grid Action Platform. Citadel, Convoy and Spark, and was a key contributor to the IEEE 2030.5 standard and led the development of CSIP and IEEE 2030.5- compliant products since inception. Kitu Systems helped improve every aspect of the SunSpec Alliance IEEE 2030.5 interoperability program, including assisting in the development of the test procedure, debugging compliance test software, participating in field trials, and producing university-level courses on IEEE 2030.5 cybersecurity.

EDD to lead $4.9MM U.S. DOE Project for Resilient DER Integration

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