Solar Data Systems, of Connecticut, has enlisted the expertise of software developer Kitu Systems, of California, in building a Customer-Owned Telemetry (COT) Remote Secure Gateway (RSG) product that meets the requirements of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, as per California Rule 21.
According to 2017 updates to CA Rule 21, all production data from 1MW+ plants is required to be reported to regulatory entities, for the purpose of integrating renewable energy with the state's electric grid. Solar Data Systems' Customer-Owned Telemetry (COT) Remote Secure Gateway (RSG) provides solar-system owners in California with a customer-controlled means for transferring this energy data to PG&E.
Customer-Owned Telemetry (COT) affords customers with a cost-effective solution for complying with energy regulations, compared to the legacy options provided and owned by PG&E. With its Customer-Owned Telemetry (COT) Remote Secure Gateway (RSG), Solar Data Systems becomes one of only two approved Customer-Owned Telemetry (COT) vendors compatible within PG&E's IEEE 2030.5 infrastructure.
Solar Data Systems supplies the tools necessary for increased solar production and revenue, plus the services and support to ensure plant health and efficiency. Since 2010, Solar Data Systems has supplied the solar industry with solutions for monitoring, visualization, evaluation, troubleshooting and control.
Kitu Systems accelerates adoption of solar, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging by enabling a new generation of interconnection. Kitu Systems' solutions provide communications and coordination capabilities between customer-owned devices and grid management systems to ensure the security, safety, reliability, and efficiency of the electrical network.
For more information on how to meet California's telemetry requirements, contact Solar Data Systems at or by calling (203) 702-7189.